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Magento 2. How to create and manage cart price rules
February 7, 2017
Cart price rules can be used to apply discounts to items in the shopping cart based on a particular set of conditions. Discounts are applied automatically as soon as the specified condition has been met or the valid coupon code has been entered.
The status of the rules can be changed or applied to a specific date range.
Let’s add a new rule:
Step 1:Adding New Rule
On the left sidebar, tap Marketing, under Promotions pick the Cart Price Rules, and, on the top right corner, click Add New Rule;
Under the Rule Information, give your rule a name and put some description if necessary;
The rule can remain in an inactive status while it is being created. If the status Active is set to YES, the rule will go into activity immediately;
Establish the scope for the rule, e.g. specify the website (if you are running multistore) and customer group;
Select a Website for which the promotion should be activated;
Specify the customer group the discount applies to. In case you would like the promotion to work only for the registered customers, leave "NOT LOGGED IN" option unselected;
Magento allows Coupon Association with the promotion rule. To assign a coupon code to the rule, set Coupon option to "Specific Coupon" and do the following:
Insert a numeric/alphanumeric or alphabetical coupon code which customer later uses during the checkout to receive a discount. Enable Use Auto Generation checkbox to publish multiple coupon codes once the rule is saved;
Determine the number of times the coupon can be used:
Uses per Coupon field specifies the number of times the coupon can be used before expiration. Leave the field blank if there is no limit;
Uses per Customer field specifies the number of times the coupon code can be used by one single registered customer who belongs to the selected customer group above. The setting does not apply to guest customers who belong to the "NOT LOGGED IN" customer group. Leave the field blank if there is no limit;
Learn more about Coupons below.
The calendar fields can be used to determine From and To date range for the discount;
Set the priority for the rule in relation to other Active cart rules. Number 1 is the highest priority;
Include the rule into the listings of Public RSS by setting option to YES;
Click Save and Continue.
Step 2:Define Conditions
This step describes how to configure the conditions for the rule. The order is qualified for the promotion once the set of conditions are met.
Click Conditions tab on the left. You will see a default statement:
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
The statement has two bold links, which have a set of options for that part of the condition.
Click ALL link and select ALL or ANY option;
Click TRUE link and select TRUE or FALSE option;
Leave the condition unchanged if you would like to apply the rule to all products.
Click Add, small + sign appearing on the left, the new field "Choose a condition to add" will show up prompting to complete a condition;
Conditions for the promotions can be based on Regional Price Rules and Shopping Cart Totals cart attributes ;
The following attributes can be used to create regional price rules:
Shipping Post Code;
Shipping Region;
Shipping State/Province;
Shipping Country;
The rules can be based on Shopping Cart Totals by using the following attributes:
Total Items Quantity;
Total Weight;
The rules can also be assigned to specific product categories, attributes or attribute sets. Let’s complete a condition and qualify a product category for a discount;
Choose Product Subselection from the select menu;
On the first part of the condition, click "more" (...) link to specify the number of items followed by the logical operator tool, e.g. is, is not, equals or less than, etc;
Click Add, small + sign to complete the condition that is based on Category;
Choose Category under Product Attribute menu;
Click "more" (...) link to display input field, then click Chooser icon to display category tree;
Mark the category checkbox you would like to use as a condition for cart price rule. The condition can be based on any product category that is a child of store’s Root Category;
Select attribute to base the condition on product attributes ;
Note! Use for Promo Rule Conditions option must be set to YES for specific attribute in Stores/Attributes/Product/
/Storefront Properties to make the attribute appear under attribute selection.
The process can be repeated as many times as needed to describe the condition for the promotion qualification;
Click Save and Continue.
Step 3: Set Actions
The action configurations describe how exactly the prices are updated once the conditions are met. Set Apply to one of the following options to determine the type of calculation that is applied to the purchase:
Percent of the product price discount:
The cart total price is updated by substracting a specified percentage of the original price. The discount will apply to each individual item in the cart that is qualifying for a promotion;
Fixed amount discount:
The cart total price is updated by substracting a fixed discount amount. The discount will apply to each individual item in the cart that is qualifying for a promotion;
Fixed amount discount for whole cart:
Discounts the entire cart total by substracting a percentage value;
Buy X get Y free:
Defines a specific total quantity the shopper must purchase (X) to receive another quantity (Y) free of charge ;
Enter numeric discount amount without units;
In the Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To field, insert the value which defines the maximum quantity of the same product which can qualify for a discount in the same purchase;
Specify the total in Buy X get Y Free field the customer must purchase to qualify for a promotion;
Set Apply to Shipping Amount option to YES to substract the discount from both Cart Subtotal and Shipping Amounts;
Enable Discard Subsequent Rules option to prevent customers from receiving multiple discounts for the same product;
Enable Free Shipping for the condition:
Free shipping option unavailable;
For matching items only:
Free shipping option is available only for the items which match the conditions specified in the rule;
For shipment with matching items:
Free shipping available for any shipment method that ships matching items;
Click Save and Continue.
Step 4: Labels
The label of the rule can be specified for both All Store Views and each individual store. The label appears on the shopping cart page below subtotal. Labels are used to identify the discount.
Scroll down to Labels and click arrow-down icon to expand the section;
Enter the label text into Default Rule Label for All Store Views;
If you are running multiple stores, enter the label text for each individual store under Store View Specific Labels;
Click Save.
Managing Coupons
This field is accessible only if cart rule has been saved and Use Auto Generation option is enabled under primary Rule Information area. Tap Manage Coupon Codes section to expand.
You will now have access to advanced configurations of Coupon Codes.
Specify the number of coupons in Coupon Qty field;
Specify the number of characters in Code Length field;
Select Code Format:
Consists of both letters and numerals;
Consists of letters only;
Consists of numerals only;
Specify Code Prefix and Code Suffix to be added at the beginning and at the end of the code. These fields are optional;
Specify the number of characters separated by dash character in Dash Every X Characters. The option makes the code easier to read;
Tap Generate button. Magento will generate a list of codes which will appear below.
We suggest that you have Magento cache temporarily disabled or refreshed once the rule has been created and applied. Refer to the following link to learn how to manage Magento 2 cache.
Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:
Magento 2. How to create and manage cart price rulesAnd don’t forget to browse our brand new Magento Templates that extend the functionality of your website.