Кевин Смит - профессиональные писатели, шаблон Moto CMS 3
Вы профессиональный писатель, который хочет, чтобы о вашем творчестве узнал весь мир, или вы талантливы, но не знаете, как продвигать свои услуги? Тогда вам нужен собственный сайт, который станет вашей визитной карточкой. Авторский шаблон сайта от MotoCMS предлагает вам предоставить биографию, поделиться проектами и дает возможность найти новых спонсоров или читателей. Вы даже можете стать блоггером, давать советы и писать сообщения в блогах. Всплывающее окно заставит пользователей подписаться на самые горячие новости и не пропустить специальные предложения, а адаптивный дизайн и удобная навигация подсознательно побудят пользователей к действию.
KEVIN SMITH v1.2 2020-12-11
- The Accordion widget was added. This functionality allows to improve design and display content in a new way;
- Google Search was added to the admin panel. It includes 2 widgets - Google Search and Google Search Results. Now you can add a powerful search tool to your website and give users the freedom to discover your indexed content on a click;
- The ability to specify a background color when activating the "Sticky" mode was added to the Container widget. In this case, the background color of the Container may be different in the normal mode and in the "Sticky" mode;
- Google Map Pro - a new advanced Google Map widget was added to the admin panel. Using it, you can not only connect to Google Maps and display your office location on the website pages, but also choose different map themes, customize the controls display and add the necessary markers;
- Added content blocks with the ready-made design;
- Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
- Bugs fixed.
KEVIN SMITH v1.1 2020-03-04
- Added pop-up window functionality to allow users create and edit pop-ups;
- A new feature was added to the admin panel. It is an excellent alternative to LiveChat which allows clients to get in touch with you via the most popular messengers and also leave their details for further contact with managers;
- Tags and Categories for Blog are added to the admin panel. They will help you to sort out your content and so will make the search on your blog comfortable and efficient for users;
- Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
- Bugs fixed.
2 отзывов на продукте
MotoCMS are fantastic! They designed my logo and website. They were so easy to work with and went above and beyond with my project. They offered SEO suggestions that I never would have thought of and it really added something special to my site. Throughout the whole experience MotoCMS team was incredibly thoughtful and added little details to make my brand cohesive. I truly felt like I had someone amazing in my corner helping me grow my business.
This template was so easy to use.
What I like most about it is the sleek, modern look of the fonts, colours, and overall simplicity of the design. I feel that it speaks to both the young and old demographic when it comes to appealing to the end user.
I would recommend this template to anyone who wants to covey a sense of simplicity.
I have shown this template to many of my clients and they are considering using it for their website.
5 Stars from me!
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