Kloss - Elegant WordPress-blogthema
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Als je op zoek bent naar een goed ontworpen en krachtig blogthema, dan is Kloss misschien degene die je moet kiezen. Het thema is gemaakt voor elke fashionista, liefhebber van verhalen vertellen of reisblogger. Door Kloos te gebruiken, kun je je innerlijke fashionista loslaten en je verhaal van alles met de wereld delen. Niet alleen dat, met de volledige compatibiliteit van Visual Composer Page Builder, plus tal van geweldige functies voor moderne blogs - kunt u uw creativiteit maximaliseren met onbeperkte lay-outs. Klinkt interessant? Laten we nu beginnen met uw inspirerende lifestyle-blog!
Als je vragen hebt over Kloss, open dan gerust een ticket en ons ondersteuningsteam helpt je graag verder.
v1.2.6 + Translation strings hidden issue fixed + Fixed stored Cross-Site Scripting via the RevSlider's Add Layer widget vulnerability + Fixed mute & unmute videos not working well in some cases + Fixed image missing in media library issue + Removed curtain fade transition v1.2.5 + Gradient Backgrounds on SVG's drawn Transparent since the latest updates + Disabling the Parallax Effect on Mobile has no Effect + Swipe on MacOs swaps multiple slides if the swipe is thrown on a longer distance + Image Layers with auto width and auto height drawn stretched + Updated WooCommerce template files v1.2.4 + Fixed PHP8 undefined variables warning issue + Fixed Fullscreen carousel with padding overflows the module + Fixed Security vulnerability associated with unserializing objects from the ‘custom_animations.txt’ file. + Fixed Youtube video does not play from action on iOS due to bug in iOS audio permissions + Fixed Vertical carousel does not align correctly if module height is bigger than the viewport + Nested Group Layer – Text Layer not displaying correctly + Updated WooCommerce template files + Updated sample content v1.2.3 + Element now will not load JS files needed for Slider Revolution Widgets while Slider does not include + Fixed keyframe does not work if it is placed near in animation + Fixed Ajax error due to downloading template fails + Fixed Mega Menu auto expand in mobile devices issue + Fixed keyboard navigation in the Navbar component + Fixed parallax component responsiveness on resizing the scroll container + WooCommerce template files updated v1.2.2 + Fixed Custom Heading element + Fixed editor works properly with Flex Slider + Fixed row and column editing options + Fixed Frontend Drag and drop function for rows + Updated Woocommerce template files + Fixed Minor styling issues v1.2.1 + Woocommerce 7.4 compatible update + Fixed depreciated functions + Updated Shop & Cart page stylings v1.2.0 + Post slider skin vast navigation arrows style option added + Fixed the dropdown style not working issue + Added Tab wrapper style option in the tabs widget + Updated sample content + Woocommerce template files updated
v1.1.9 + PHP7.4 compatible issue fixed + Fixed the missing font issue + Added more logic to the Google Fonts caching system
v1.1.8 + Fixed contact page issue + Improved overall responsiveness + Filter for changing heading tag added
v1.1.7 + Changing slider dimensions is not possible if the external URL is empty + Minor Issue fixed in WC Products widget + Fixed CDN broken links issue
v1.1.6 + Fixed Post grid loading + Fixed Editor loads for all user roles + Fixed Slider Hover zoom breaks out of the mask after dragging the carousel
v1.1.5 + Responsive issue fixed + Contact form placeholder now will disappear while the user inputs content + Mini cart offscreen issue fixed + Added new style mobile menu + Redesigned mobile slider + Removed link from theme's description
v1.1.4 + Plugins updated + Woocommerce template files updated + Changed styling sheet including position
v1.1.3 + Minor styling issues fixed + Enabled back plugin's update notices + Rev slider plugin updated
v1.1.2 + Dropdown menu fixed - superfish.js + Remove SmoothScroll js + Remove outdated resources
v1.1.1 + WordPress 5.5 compatible + Plugins updated + Woocommerce template files updated
v1.1.0 + Fixed Instagram Invalid data issue + Minor styling changes + Fixed the About Me widget upload media issue + Plugins updated + Woocommerce template files updated
v1.0.4 + PHP 7.4 compatible + Fix jQuery deprecated functions
v1.0.3 + SSL mixed content issue fixed + Minor styling issues fixed
v1.0.2 + Update Slider design + Update sample content
v1.0.1 + Change the default post layout with 2 animate columns. + Update grid post layout to fit with default post layout. + Update post-animation class. + Update default theme options for the blog
v1.0.0 + Initial Release
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